What is Adrina Chrome? Adrenochrome is also written about in the past. It is taken from the bodies of young children.


What is Adriana Chrome?

Adrenochrome is also written about in the past. It is taken from the bodies of young children.

Molecule of the Week Archive

Adrenochrome is from children blood.

In an island that is mostly seen in children's movies, there is a place where children are taken from their families and transferred to that island for a while to extract the anti-aging substance that is in the children's blood and further abuse.Why do social services take children from foreign families?

What does the word adrenochrome mean?

Adrenochrome is a biomolecule produced in the body by the oxidation of the hormone adrenaline1—hence its name. The “chrome” in its name indicates that it is deeply colored, compared with white adrenaline.

This hormone is active as a growth factor in children's bodies, brain growth, height growth, and skeletal growth, and is active until the age of 22, after which it gradually changes its position.

Recently, many countries have been trading on these issues by extracting this hormone from children's bodies, such as Sweden, Norway, and other European countries.

What happens if you oxidize adrenaline?

Chemistry. The oxidation reaction that converts adrenaline into adrenochrome occurs both in vivo and in vitro. Silver oxide (Ag2O) was among the first reagents employed for this, but a variety of other oxidising agents have been used successfully.

Can adrenaline restart your heart?

Adrenaline can increase the likelihood that the heart will regain a normal rhythm as it directs blood flow to the heart. However, it also causes constriction of small blood vessels which can reduce blood flow to other organs, including the brain, and may lead to neurological damage.

Social services and their business via child trafficking.

every social worker can own a villa where does the money come from?

each drop of the children's adrenochrome costs a million kroner and three children can give a villa to a social worker.

What is Adriana Chrome?

Adrina Chrome is a substance called the growth of children's height, which is more in the body of children, which both increases the height of the child and regulates the brain growth and balance of children's movements in the future.

Each needle of this substance is between seven and eight million dollars, according to the information obtained, to prevent cancer and Alzheimer's for rich and wealthy men, it is sold to presidents of the republic, heads of large corporations.

This substance is mostly extracted from the body of children, some under different names, which children separate from their families so that they can more easily extract this substance from the body of the child. Because if the child is with his family,

 the family will see the child's abnormal movements after the extraction of Adrina Chrome in the child's behavior and movements.

After the extraction of Adrina Chrome, the child no longer has the previous normal state and loses the balance of his natural movements.

They play a big role in being able to point out the family as a threat to children, one day via religion, another day via father or mother criminals so they find a lot of lying things to be able to take the children from the family, then they sell the children to the international child trafficking mafia.

It is clear here that taking children in Europe by the social department and these countries is mostly for these tasks.We have previously written about why the social service takes children from the family in Sweden, especially foreign families, the social service works with the international child trafficking mafia.

every social secretary would report a concern against a family, she, he can get between 20,000 to 25,000 kroner or 2,000 to 2,500 euros

I’m a biomolecule with some notoriety.

What molecule am I?

I’m a biomolecule with some notoriety.

What molecule am I?

Trading with children's body parts in different countries

Dealing and selling and buying children's bodies

What Is Adrenochrome? Stuff They Don't Want You To Know, 54% OFF

Adrenochrome is a biomolecule produced in the body by the oxidation of the hormone adrenaline1—hence its name. The “chrome” in its name indicates that it is deeply colored, compared with white adrenaline.


Adrenochrome was known as long ago as 1856, when French neurologist Alfred Vulpian (who also discovered adrenaline) observed that adrenaline turns red when exposed to air. But it was not until 1937 that David Ezra Green and Derek Richter at the University of Cambridge (UK) named the compound and described its isolation and characterization.


The structure of adrenochrome is chiral at the position of the hydroxyl group2.

 Little information is available on the individual enantiomers. Adrenochrome is an unstable molecule with no practical uses.

 Its monosemicarbazone (carbazochrome3), however, is stable; it is said to promote blood clotting and can be used to treat hemorrhaging.

From the 1950s through the 1970s, adrenochrome was thought to cause schizophrenia, but this theory was eventually debunked.


In recent years, adrenochrome has been implicated in far-right conspiracy theories, such as QAnon and Pizzagate reports of satanic ritual abuse, as described in a July 2023 Forbes article.

 It has also been touted as a hallucinogen or youth drug.

The germinal substance that helps children grow taller is extracted from the body of the child and sold to the elderly and wealthy. The social service takes the child from the family under the pretext that the family is mistreating the child and then transports them to an island where they use this substance to cure the child of infertility and sell it to wealthy men and women.


1. CAS Reg. No. 51-43-4; also known as epinephrine.

2. CAS Reg. Nos.: (R)-enantiomer, 7506-92-5; (S)-enantiomer, 5181-82-8.

3. CAS Reg. No. 69-81-8.

Adrenochrome hazard information

Hazard class*       GHS code and hazard statement

Acute toxicity, oral, category 4         H302—Harmful if swallowed   Chemical Safety Warning

Acute toxicity, dermal, category 4    H312—Harmful in contact with skin Chemical Safety Warning

Serious eye damage/eye irritation, category 2A


H319—Causes serious eye irritation Chemical Safety Warning

Acute toxicity, inhalation (dusts/mists), category 4


H332—Harmful if inhaled        Chemical Safety Warning

Specific target organ toxicity, single exposure, respiratory tract irritation, category 3          H335—May cause respiratory irritation      Chemical Safety Warning

*Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals. Explanation of pictograms.

MOTW updates

Heme1 was the Molecule of the Week for January 17, 2011. It is a porphyrin derivative and the color component of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen in blood.

Last month, Frances H. Arnold, Kendall N. Houk, and colleagues at Caltech (Pasadena, CA) and the University of California, Los Angeles, described a potential use for heme in organic synthesis.

They used computational chemistry to determine the mechanism of iron heme enzyme–catalyzed carbene transfer reactions to synthesize cyclopropane derivatives.

The advantage of this method is that the carbene precursors are diazirines, which are air-stable, user-friendly alternatives to traditionally used diazo compounds.

Testosterone2 was the Molecule of the Week for June 14, 2005. It is the primary male sex hormone, the shortness of which in older men can cause fatigue, low energy, and loss of libido.

In January, Martha E.

 Stone, Max B. Kelz, and Alex Proekt at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) and collaborators there and at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) and Washington University (St.

Louis) reported that testosterone is primarily responsible for the difference between male and female behavior under general anesthesia.

In a mouse study, the researchers found that, at equal brain concentrations of the inhaled anesthetic isoflurane3, females are more resistant to the anesthetic than males, and that the difference results from testosterone modulation in males.

The child growth agent, which is part of Adrenaline Chrome, is bought and sold by the Swedish government and part of it in Germany and Belgium. First, the children are taken from their families by the social welfare office, then they are taken to a safe place, where they are given food. Then, one by one, they are led to a room and anesthetized. The Adrenaline Chrome substance breaks out of the children's bodies and, together with the child growth agent, is then sold in the form of ampoules on the market to the rich who are likely to get Alzheimer's. This substance prevents Alzheimer's.

1. CAS Reg. No. 14875-96-8.

2. CAS Reg. No. 58-22-0.

3. CAS Reg. No. 26675-46-7.

Fact Check: No organ trafficking! Conspiracy theorists add false spin to video of young Syrian war victim

The video was shot in a makeshift clinic run by a humanitarian organisation in a Syrian village, where the child was being treated for her injuries.

In this disturbing footage, a young girl is seen being taken by traffickers. The girl is visibly panicked, her adrenaline surging as she is placed on a table with a tray positioned beneath her.

 It is believed that the traffickers intended to harvest either her adrenochrome or organs,” read a viral tweet.

Taking children as an example in Europe is a part of this business that they do with children's bodies.

Laws in Sweden, which have taken thousands of children, are a big part of this trading of children's body parts and sexual abuse of children.

“In this video, we can also observe young children lying on harvesting tables and on the ground, seemingly discarded like refuse in bags,” the tweet further read.

The video shared along with the tweet, was just as disturbing as the author claimed. In it, a child could be seen sobbing in a room that had dead bodies packed in polybags lying on the floor.

 The archived version of the viral tweet can be seen here.

Adrenochrome is a chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. However, the belief that people harvest adrenochrome from the blood of children is part of new-age American conspiracy theories like QAnon and Pizzagate.

So, does the viral video have anything to do with harvesting organs and adrenochrome? Nope.

India Today found that the video actually shows a child being treated for injuries received during Russian airstrikes in December 2015 in Idlib, Syria.




In the upper left corner of the video, the watermark of “SMART” could be seen. We found that it was a Syrian news agency.

Using this as a clue, we reverse-searched keyframes of the viral video with keywords related to Syria.

This led us to a Facebook post containing a news report that featured the viral clip.

The caption of this video shared by the Shaam News Network on May 14, 2017, said in Arabic, "Zainab is still alive... to refute the deception of the Assad media."

In the video, the SNN journalist spoke to the child, Zainab, and her father. The video featured texts running throughout its length.


They read in Arabic: "Scenes from Muhalabiya, massacre in Idlib"; "Zainab six-year-old from Kafra Nabudah; "Loyalists of the Assad regime recirculated the massacre videos as organ trading operations"; and "Shaam Network met the little girl and her father".

What’s more, this report also addressed the organ harvesting claims that had gone viral in the past as well.


Zainab’s father told the journalist, “It’s a big lie. I lost my sister and two kids in the Russian airstrikes.

My daughter is in good health and the allegations that my daughter’s organs were extracted and sold are utterly a lie. She’s in good health.”

Syria Charity, a partner of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), also refuted the viral claim on its Facebook account.

The Facebook post made on May 15, 2017, and captioned, “This little girl wasn’t eviscerated for organ trafficking”, carried an interview of Zainab’s father.

Calling all such viral claims of organ trafficking a hoax, he said, “Whatever the ruling dispensation claimed is fabricated.”

 Pointing at her daughter, he said she was all fine.

On being asked how he felt as a father when such allegations were made, he said he was shocked.

“The regime first bombed us then broadcasted lies. I, too, lost my leg and an eye in the airstrike. Now all this has worsened my sufferings,” he said.


We also came across two fact-check reports about the organ harvesting claim from 2017, published by International Fact-Checking Network certified organisations.

The reports stated that the video was shot in a makeshift clinic in a Syrian village ravaged by war. The corpses lying on the floor were victims of bombings. They further noted that the girl wasn’t crying out of fear that her organs were about to be extracted, but because she too had suffered injuries in the airstrikes.


Fact-checking organisation Teyit identified the healthcare staff belonging to the Al Sham Humanitarian Foundation by identifying the logo visible on the back of a person seen in the video.

 Al Sham Humanitarian Foundation is a charity organisation that provides shelter, food, and water aid for the victims of the Syrian war.

 Besides, they also cater to health services in case of emergencies.

Fact-checking organisation Teyit found that the healthcare staff belonged to the Al Sham Humanitarian Foundation.

Thus, it’s clear that an old video of a wounded Syrian child getting treated at a makeshift clinic went viral with dubious claims.

He had made my video the background of his video and said that the post was not true and described adrenochrome as any normal commercial substance They saw my video and didn't do a search.

They immediately believed me and they were stressed and upset in the shelter He brings some medical evidence that the evidence is true, but as if he is talking about another drug, that is, I am making a deadly drug called paracetamol Paracetamol is a very useful medicine.

In short, you want to believe, you don't want to believe


I don't have pockets.. I don't have pockets.

Many of these celebrities may have been examples of humane people in your eyes. You may have thought that the Middle East is full of cruel and murderous people.

Hollywood is full of dangerous stories.

Because all artists enter Hollywood as children, it's normal for them to be aware of these dark and ugly stories.

Finally, we hope that there will be no oppression anywhere in this world, especially against children who are innocent and powerless little angels.



Thanks to those who expressed their opinions about the article in the letter.

160,703 views  Sep 15, 2020  #SalmanKhan

SSR Warriors We thought  SSR was killed because he was going to raise his voice against these bad elements in the society .But now we know He is safe .

All the incidents ,including his cremation were mere a drama.You will find proofs if you observe his pics  minutely .

There is a cut mark visible on his nose in the middle of his both eyes .In the pic at the cremation that cut mark is not there .was it a dummy body ?

   Check this out 

Adrenochrome users 

Children are Kept in Chambers ,threatened 

Adrenochrome  is a chemical that our body produces when we are extremely  fearful .

So children  are kept in torture chambers in order to produce the drug .when their adrenaline gets decomposed , doctors extract their cells and take out the fluid which is used as a drug .

they believe such chemicals help us stay young ...Rejuvenate our blood cells .





267,352 views  Sep 11, 2015

Tony Wyss-Coray studies the impact of aging on the human body and brain. In this eye-opening talk, he shares new research from his Stanford lab and other teams which shows that a solution for some of the less great aspects of old age might actually lie within us all.

 Adriana chrome is only found in the child's blood and right now the social media is taking children who sell adriana chrome to other countries to rich older men and women

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.

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- Adriana Krom is extracted from the body of a child by criminal gangs of child traffickers who buy and sell children. These gangs have political power in various governments.

First, they try to keep the child's father and mother poor, prevent them from going to work, then they finally harass the family under various names.

Finally, they take the child away from his family under the guise of a prostitute, saying that the family's treatment of the child is not good and that the family is unable to raise the child.

 They take the child from his family and then start extracting Adriana Krom from the child's body. Then the child turns into a cookie cutter because a main substance has been extracted from the child's body.



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