1 . My post today is about the personality act and human ethics.Minister in the Middle East and Africa.


Minister in the Middle East and Africa.

Human morality and human conscience, along with human creativity and human intelligence, are important things.

Yesterday a friend told me something that actually made me laugh, which is why I thought I'd write this article.

1 . My post today is about the personality act and human ethics.

Human morality and human conscience are two very important things for a human being to have.

Forgiveness and moving past the past and opening a new door to the future.

2 Today, a significant part of the world's politicians lack this humane style or have a shameful background.

If requested, we can provide our dear readers with records of many ministers in the Middle East and Africa so that they can get to know the people who have held different positions and what kind of people they are. We have personal information about many ministers from these regions, their background and past.

I have been involved in research at a center for many years and I am still in contact with those centers, and we know many things that people do not know.

A minister is not an imaginary god He is an ordinary person like you and me, but he has managed to reach that position by all means, be it through violence or through family influence.

In the Middle East and Africa, family and proximity to the presidency play an important role. It is very easy for a person to become a minister today, because there are no referendums, that people would choose, it is a cheating system that is based on cheating and lies there.

If a person were to become a minister it does not mean that the person is a good person or a high personal has it.

don't forget Cheaters, liars and fraudulent, unscrupulous people who easily know how to deceive people always become ministers.

especially in the Middle East and Africa, all ministers are useless if you look at their backgrounds they had previous terrorists, or they are rapists.

Or they sold drugs, or thieves people I want to prove many other things through this post, I myself am from the minister family and am not proud of I think it is normal, my father has been foreign minister for several years also defense minister for several years.

3 . Human rights and human dignity in the countries of the Middle East and Africa If there were justice, freedom and human rights in these countries, their people would not flee to Europe and America to become refugees.

The same countries that have fake ministries have gross human rights deficiencies. Social welfare in these countries is zero and social health is below zero.

Therefore, it is foolish to be proud of the ministers in the Middle East and Africa.

In these areas, public awareness is zero, public knowledge is zero.

In these areas, women's rights are zero and in these areas, women's rights are ignored.

Violence is the main issue. The society in these areas is full of violence.

In these areas, human rights are zero and people are treated like animals. They are violent towards people.

If my relative were a minister in a country that lacks women's and human rights, I would not be proud of him, rather I would stand up to him and consider him responsible for an anti-human and misogynistic country because he defends misogynistic ideas and represents a misogynistic government.

Such a minister should be called the representative of the land of fools.

A country that oppresses its people and the people of that country, if my father were a minister in that country I would not be proud, but rather ashamed.

Through Amnesty International, we have conducted research on Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Libya and all the countries in the region. In these areas, people are raised with violence.

People who come from these countries are primarily violent and lack dialogue and peaceful solutions. They too have shortcomings in the principled behavior of people.

4  . For example, with the help of an institution in Switzerland, I and several others conducted research on several specific individuals.

It was found that these individuals had committed numerous crimes and were at the head of an organization. This will be mentioned in a future article.

And these people whose crimes and backgrounds we have investigated are all from the Middle East and Africa, and some of them are foremen and have no knowledge or expertise.

Their behavior and performance are zero and accompanied by delusions and pathological imagination.

People who come from these countries lack human understanding and perception, and they have lived in these Euro-Epic countries for years, but there is no change in their behavior and performance.

They are jealous very strongly, suffer from such diseases as morbid jealousy.

There are many flaws in their behavior, a lack of understanding of humanity.

Kind regards




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