if women would rule over the world and have power we can live in peace, calm, tranquility. and in freedom and real democracy. women mean real humanity




if women would rule over the world and have power we can live in peace, calm, tranquility. and in freedom and real democracy. women mean real humanity.

woman means peace, calm and justice If the power is in the hands of women, justice will be established in the world, peace, stability and justice.

Why has there never been a woman Secretary General of the United Nations? All the secretaries-general have been men. Patriarchy is rampant in the United Nations.

 At least give high political power and decision-making power to women. Know how we will have a safe and peaceful world through women's rule.Women have morals and human dignity, women are not willing to harm anyone. Women have always prioritized peace and security, social life and social justice and the advancement of humanity can be seen in the creativity of women.

Today a person asked me what things make me happy.
I answered the person if I see a woman boss and decide that day I will be happy.

we want women to decide all over the world we want the power in the hands of women.

Therefore, women should be active and take the power from crazy and aggressive men. I am sure that the power is in the hands of women, the justice of democracy and the rights of all people will be respected. A woman means woman's life, which means humanity..long live women.

Women's power and influence in society we demand that women have power.

The world's women's organizations work for women to have the same right and opportunity to be active citizens and influence society's development as men. women should have power since the 2018 election consists of 53.9 percent men and 46.1 percent women. in Scandinavia, it is unfair that men should amoirities in power, Our work to strengthen women's power focuses above all on the political influence of foreign-born women as well as on women's influence in business. and we demand that the women should be active and vigilant.we are comfortable with women's power.we need democracy and freedom we want peace, so that everyone lives in peace.we want women to be the majority in all the authorities we want women to decide on everything.

1 For example, Angela Merkel ruled Germany for 15 years and was able to build German economic in the best way, both economically and humanitarian Germany under Merkel was a good country. Angela Merkel the best woman who could rule Germany, build the economy, build the credibility of Germany in the outside world.
Angela[1] Dorothea Merkel (* 17 July 1954 in Hamburg as Angela Dorothea Kasner) ist eine ehemalige deutsche Politikerin (CDU). Sie war vom 22. November 2005 bis zum 8. Dezember 2021 Bundeskanzlerin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die achte in dieses Amt gewählte Person. Sie war die erste Frau, die erste nach der Gründung der Bundesrepublik gebonere und die einzige in der GDR sozialisierte Person in diesem Amt.

As a graduate physicist, she worked at the Zentralinstitut für Physikalische Chemie, until she became politically active in the Wendezeit in the Partei Demokratischer Aufbruch, which joined the CDU in 1990. In der ersten und gleichzeiten letzten democratically gewählten Regierung der GDR übte sie das Amt der stellvertretenden Regierungssprecherin aus.

Bei der Bundestagswahl am 2. Dezember 1990 errang sie erstmals ein Bundestagmandat. In the following seven Bundestag elections, she was directly elected in her electoral district in Vorpommern.[2] From 1991 to 1994, Merkel was the Federal Minister for Women and Youth in the Kohl IV Cabinet and from 1994 to 1998 the Federal Minister for the Environment, Natural Protection and Nuclear Safety in the Kohl V Cabinet. CDU. From April 2000 to December 2018, she was Bundesvorsitzende der CDU.

Nach dem knappen Sieg der Unionparteien bei der vorgezogenen Bundestagswahl 2005, Merkel released Gerhard Schröder (SPD) as Bundeskanzler ab. Als Regierungschefin, she initially led a large coalition with the SPD (Merkel I Cabinet) until 2009. After the Bundestag election in 2009, she entered a black-and-yellow coalition with the FDP (Merkel II Cabinet), followed by a new large coalition in 2013, which continued after the 2017 Bundestag election (Merkel III and IV Cabinet). Am 29. Oktober 2018 kündigte sie an, zur Bundestagswahl 2021 nicht mehr zu kandidieren.

Merkel was regarded during most of her term as Bundeskanzlerin international as the de-facto leader of the European Union and as the most powerful woman in the world.

2 Today Croatia is ruled by a woman and everything works well, economic, democracy, principles of humanity also human rights. Everything works well..

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović[Note 1] (* 29. April 1968 als Kolinda Grabar in Rijeka, Sozialistische Republik Kroatien, SFR Yugoslavia) ist eine kroatische Politikerin und Diplomatin, die vom 15. Februar 2015 bis 18. Februar 2020 Staatspräsidentin Kroatiens war.

Until her election to the State President, she was a member of the Hrvatska demokratska zajednica (HDZ). Croatian President müssen ihre Parteimitgliedschaft ablegen.


3 Today, Singapore is ruled by a woman named Halimah Yacob and they have the world's best economy, also passports, women's rights, human rights and people live in peace with a good economy. good economy, good life, freedom,

Halimah binti Yacob (born 23 August 1954 in Singapore) is a Singaporean politician. She was President of the city-state from 14 September 2017 to 14 September 2023.[1] She was previously a member of the People's Action Party (PAP) and the ninth Speaker of the Parliament of Singapore. She gave up this office and her membership of the PAP on 7 August 2017 to run as a presidential candidate.[2] She was a member of the Singaporean Parliament from 2001 to 2015..

You should have respect for the story and goodness of life

4 When we say the world needs women powers that women would rule the world we researched and investigated about it and we have got results that women can get democracy and more freedom more humanity and war will stop when women have role over the world.


with kind regards

Samuel Qu

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