what is Phobia disease largely in different countries?
Phobia is a false and unhealthy illusion that a person suffers from.
For example, a sick person who came from the Middle East, in different parts of Europe, as a form of self-conceit, gives false and false information to some people in Europe, which is completely false and sick.
according to my information that I was able to get via various centers, many Arabs are playing with people's brains in Europe, information will come shortly.
Phobia is an unhealthy illusion and an unhealthy human imagination creates the idea that others are his enemies, but it is actually an illusion.
What is social phobia?
It is the intense fear or anxiety experienced in social situations in which the person feels observed and judged by others. For example, in social interactions (in a conversation, at a meeting or party, etc.), being observed (for example, eating or drinking with other people), acting in front of others (such as when giving a talk or conference).
Within social phobia, we can talk about a more generalized phobia, that is, the intense fear of any social situation that is labeled as threatening or, on the other hand, there are people who are afraid of a specific social situation, for example, who are only afraid of speaking in public.
This discomfort negatively affects the person's life, for example, in their work or personal area, and especially, in the social area.
What are its symptoms?
As with all phobias, the main symptom is intense fear, accompanied by physiological symptoms of anxiety, such as: sweating, facial flushing, body and/or speech tremors, tachycardia, nausea, stuttering...
This fear tends to paralyze the person, so they tend to avoid and/or flee from social situations that cause them discomfort.
In addition, the person is afraid that the symptoms of anxiety will be perceived, because it accentuates their idea of being negatively valued (fear of making a fool of themselves, of being seen as someone weak or shameful, etc.). Therefore, they enter into a vicious circle that maintains this phobia:
It is important to note that the person, due to their fear of the symptoms of anxiety being perceived, tends to self-check. For example, if we are afraid that our legs will shake, we will focus on them to find out if this happens.
What is the treatment?
It is worked from cognitive behavioral therapy, which consists of working from a triple plane:
Cognitive area
Working on the mental schemes and thoughts of the person is essential, since these schemes of fear of making a fool of oneself, of being the center of attention... are what trigger the phobia. The social situation, in itself, is not harmful or dangerous, however, for the person it is because of the labeling that makes it as "threatening", and it is essential to work on it.
Behavioral area:
As we mentioned, the person tends to avoid the social situations that he or she fears, however, this behavior maintains the phobia. Tools will be given and the person will be guided for progressive exposure to social situations.
Physiological area
Techniques are provided, especially relaxation techniques, to reduce the physiological symptoms of anxiety, although they usually decrease when social situations are no longer labeled as threatening. The three areas are worked on together and provide feedback.
samuel qu