What is a stable personality?
What is the difference between a volatile personality and a stable personality?
A stable, unwavering personality is based on the principles of human ethics and behavioral principles. This type of personality has undertaken all behaviors and functions of self-knowledge, has fully developed itself, and has recognized the principles and pentacles in general.
And it has reached the peak of #human and #behavioral principles.
This behavior is incomprehensible and incomprehensible to human principles without science, awareness, and scientific knowledge.
For example, a person may behave well in one place and place, but in another place and place, their behavior is unstable. This type of personality is characterized by an unstable personality and an inability to think about changing their own behavior. This also relates to the person's mental health and the #environment in which the person grew up.
Environmental factors, life events, life experiences, everyday behaviors and interactions affect human personality and how it develops.
A stable, healthy, and developed personality is both open to criticism and change. A stable personality always seeks to find its flaws in order to correct them, and a stable, developed personality always has the ability to forgive.Forgiveness is one of the principles of a stable, healthy, and developed personality.
One thing is very important here: forgiveness is not what is meant here. Every crime committed against you must be forgiven. It must be brought to justice according to the law so that such behavior is not repeated.
Cultural and environmental factors always influence the behavior and development of an individual's personality. Freedom and social welfare, a safe environment, and social security are influential in the formation of a person's personality.
And family factors, such as understanding and practicing proper child rearing, knowledge, and upbringing, are effective in the development of human personality.
Without knowledge and science, one cannot raise a child. Religions introduce sexual issues and sexual relations, which are a personal matter and a personal need, as morality, and in this regard, they have created sensitivities in different societies that have had a negative impact on the growth and formation of human personality.
Due to their sensitivity to this issue, people have forgotten the important issues of life and how to grow a real personality and the true upbringing and education of children, and have created deviations that turn society upside down. Personality deviations.
What they say about genetic factors having a greater impact on the development of human personality is unacceptable.
Humans can learn and learn how to behave in society and interact with people based on their mental abilities. I believe that genetic factors have an impact on learning and mental abilities, but the environment, security, and well-being, to name a few, are also important. However, there are various theories on the development of human personality.
14 Things Everyone Should Know About Personality
This is the second post in my “14 Things Everyone Should Know” series. You can read the first post - “14 Things Everyone Should Know about IQ” - here.
Personality is one of the most perennially popular topics in psychology. It refers to patterns of thought, feelings, and behavior that are relatively stable over time, and which make each individual unique.
Psychologists have made considerable progress in unravelling the mysteries of personality, including the extent to which it’s shaped by nature vs. nurture, how it contributes to our success and wellbeing, and how men and women differ in their personality profiles. In this post, I’ll explore 12 things everyone should know about personality. I hope you find it interesting and informative!
1. Hundreds of personality traits have been posited over the years, from sensation-seeking to self-esteem to self-efficacy. Most psychologists agree, however, that most personality variation can be captured with just a handful of higher-order traits.
The most popular approach posits five traits, often known as the Big 5. These are neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. The figure below shows the sub-traits - or facets - that make up each of the Big 5 traits, at least according to one model.
2. Like basically all psychological traits, personality is partially heritable - in other words, differences between individuals in their personalities are due in part to differences in their genes.
Some of the best evidence for this comes from twin studies. The following figure shows the correlations for monozygotic (identical) and dizygotic (non-identical) twins for each of the Big 5 traits. As you can see, the correlations are stronger for the monozygotic twins, indicating that the traits are partially heritable.
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