today 25 november international fight against violence against women, i want to say my views violence against women is violence against humanity. women mean life women mean society, women mean love..
violent men who commit violence against women live locked up for the long term,, Idiot men who show no respect for women and give violence to women must have long and harsh sentences,,
iolence against women includes any form of violence directed at women or girls because of their gender. It can occur in different forms: Psychological violence, such as threats, control, insults, humiliation or excessive jealousy. Physical violence, such as pushing, hitting, jerking, kicking or strangling.
What explanations exist for violence against women?
The need for control and power are two major driving forces behind the practice of violence in intimate relationships. Through physical, psychological, sexual and material violence, the victim's behavior and freedom of action are controlled. The violence is both an expression of and a means of achieving power.
What is meant by men's violence against women?
all forms of physical, psychological and sexual violence and threats of violence directed at women and girls. honor-related violence and oppression with varying expressions such as female genital mutilation and forced marriage. prostitution and human trafficking for sexual purposes.
What counts as violence in a relationship?
Threatening to harm children, pets, possessions, threatening to commit suicide, or threatening to reveal someone's sexual orientation or gender identity against their will at, for example, the workplace or to family are other examples of violence.
What types of violence are there?
Different types of violence
Mental violence. Violence in intimate relationships always includes psychological violence. ...
Physical violence. Physical violence can involve holding, pushing, pulling the hair, kicking, ear-filing, punching or strangling. ...
Sexual violence. ...
Economic violence. ...
Material violence. ...
How can violence against women be prevented?
men's violence against women can be prevented by promoting gender equality. cultural and social norms that support violence can be changed. we need to develop life skills in children and young people. children's vulnerability and violence among young people can be reduced by developing safe and nurturing relationships between children and their parents.
What is classified as psychological abuse?
Mental abuse can be being called mean, insulting and degrading words. It can also be about threats, either directly directed at a person or threats to harm themselves if a person does not agree to certain things.
Is psychological abuse violence?
Men's violence against women and violence in intimate relationships includes physical, psychological, sexual and financial violence. It occurs in all social classes and in all age groups. The violence is a criminal act and a violation of fundamental freedoms and rights.
How much does men's violence against women cost?
The same topic was studied and calculations made in 2014 by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE). It also included estimates of the cost of lost quality of life and loss of healthy years of life. The institute's figure for the cost of men's violence against women in Sweden landed at SEK 39.7 billion per year. and in the other part of the EU, Germany has the same as the other part of the EU countries.
Why do women stay in violent relationships?
There are many reasons why a woman remains in a violent relationship. Being beaten by the one you love and depend on is an incredibly humiliating and shame-filled experience. Being isolated and controlled at the same time creates poor conditions for getting out of the relationship. Going straight can be very dangerous.
It is important that vulnerable people receive the support and advice they need. Therefore, it is also important that different actors can cooperate. The Equality Authority is responsible for coordinating Sweden's work against prostitution and human trafficking. That responsibility includes the work that takes place within NMT, the National Method Support Team.
What can be done about violence in close relationships?
The Women's Peace Line. You who are exposed to violence can call here 24 hours a day.
Repression of honor. .....
Choose to quit. ...
The crime victim hotline. ...
RFSL. ... There are numbers like this in all European countries, in Germany there are 2 numbers 110 and 112, both of which you can contact the police for emergency help if any woman feels threatened by an idiotic man.
The national organization for women's shelters and girls' shelters in Sweden.
How can violence against women be prevented?
men's violence against women can be prevented by promoting gender equality. cultural and social norms that support violence can be changed. we need to develop life skills in children and young people. children's vulnerability and violence among young people can be reduced by developing safe and nurturing relationships between children and their parents.
1 if someone were to force a woman to have sex it is a crime
2 if your wife is not ready for sex and you demand her for sex and the man would force her for sex, it is a crime and punishable.
3 offend a woman you are not beautiful you look bad so it is classified as a crime and it is psychological violence against the woman.
with kind regards
Samuel 25,11,2024