How do illusions and delusions arise in humans?


Delusional thoughts and delusional mind.
How do illusions and delusions arise in humans?
Some of these illusions are created by people who are friends, for example, if you have a sick friend, he will do something to negatively affect your mind because he himself is easily influenced by the words of others. They are trying to influence you with their negative thoughts.

Because their minds are sick and their restless and sick minds pretend to say something about someone without reason and because they themselves are easily influenced by what others say.
In fact, what is said is not true, but they like and are influenced by hearing bad things about someone.
These people have a sick mind, like the Arabs and Turks who I saw with my own eyes. They were trying to influence people of Swiss origin with their sick and delusional thoughts. They were trying to slander me. Fortunately, their entire past is available with sufficient facts and evidence.
For example, you are of a different race or ethnicity, or you have had activities in cyberspace in the past.
Meanwhile, those who dislike your writings and articles and what you have published are trying to make thousands of accusations against you. Like where I was, they were trying to attach many things that were only their own doing to the person they disliked.
I myself, under no circumstances, without evidence or reason, will listen to anything anyone says, but I will never accept it, and if something is only in line with a speech and there is no evidence, it can come from a sick mind.
For example, yesterday a woman messaged me and said that a certain person from instagram asked me to block you. I asked her why I blocked samuel. he didn't say anything bad. he didn't even say hello to me. Why should I block her? In short, he was trying to I block you by bringing many of her own lies.
After hearing what this woman said, I started researching this person. I found out that she was sexually abused as a child and had been treated by psychologists and psychotherapy specialists for a long time.
Perhaps in the coming days we will conduct a deep investigation into the reason for this person's request. I want to make it clearer and expose the people behind this incident as mentally ill.
What is an auditory hallucination?
An auditory hallucination is when someone says something bad about someone and you agree with what they say. You have a mental disorder called auditory hallucination.
What is an example of an auditory hallucination?
Hearing voices speaking when there is no-one there is known as an auditory hallucination. Voices can talk about very personal matters, which can be quite frightening. Often, other sounds like music, animal calls and the telephone ringing can be heard.
How to tell if you're having auditory hallucinations?
You may have hallucinations if you: hear sounds or voices that nobody else hears. see things that are not there like objects, shapes, people or lights. feel touch or movement in your body that is not real like bugs are crawling on your skin or your internal organs are moving around.
What triggers illusions?
Many common visual illusions are perceptual: they result from the brain's processing of ambiguous or unusual visual information. Other illusions result from the aftereffects of sensory stimulation or from conflicting sensory information. Still others are associated with psychiatric causes.
illusion, a misrepresentation of a “real” sensory stimulus—that is, an interpretation that contradicts objective “reality” as defined by general agreement. For example, a child who perceives tree branches at night as if they are goblins may be said to be having an illusion. An illusion is distinguished from a hallucination, an experience that seems to originate without an external source of stimulation. Neither experience is necessarily a sign of psychiatric disturbance, and both are regularly and consistently reported by virtually everyone.
The nature of illusions
Illusions are special perceptual experiences in which information arising from “real” external stimuli leads to an incorrect perception, or false impression, of the object or event from which the stimulation comes.
Some of these false impressions may arise from factors beyond an individual’s control (such as the characteristic behaviour of light waves that makes a pencil in a glass of water seem bent), from inadequate information (as under conditions of poor illumination), or from the functional and structural characteristics of the sensory apparatus (e.g., distortions in the shape of the lens in the eye). Such visual illusions are experienced by every sighted person.
Delusional disorder is a type of mental health condition in which a person can't tell what's real from what's imagined. There are many types, including persecutory, jealous and grandiose types. It's treatable with psychotherapy and medication.
What is a delusional mind?
Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness called a psychotic disorder. People who have it can't tell what's real from what is imagined. Delusions are the main symptom of delusional disorder. They're unshakable beliefs in something that isn't true or based on reality.
What is the difference between a thought and a delusion?
A person with a delusion will hold firmly to the belief regardless of evidence to the contrary. Delusions can be difficult to distinguish from overvalued ideas, which are unreasonable ideas that a person holds, but the affected person has at least some level of doubt as to its truthfulness.Mentally ill patients are easily influenced by any rumor.
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