What is the difference between religious ethics and human ethics? What defines ethics?
Your power lies in daily moments. every day in the morning always plan what you would do and what things are important that you should do,,, you can call t…
Humans are born free and everywhere else is in chains. We all want freedom. We all want choices. But the more choices we have, the more we realize we are sti…
Emotional intelligence helps you build stronger relationships, succeed at school and work, and achieve your career and personal goals. It can also help you t…
25 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health Start each day with self-love. Be kind to yourself. ... Celebrate your small wins. A win is a win, no matter how big or…
What does a social psychologist do? Roles and functions Social psychologists analyze the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of groups. They do this to determi…
What is Adriana Chrome? Adrenochrome is also written about in the past. It is taken from the bodies of young children . Molecule of the Week Archive Adrenoch…
#Thank_you_Switzerland . Parliament votes to ban Shia terrorist militia Hezbollah in Switzerland. Swiss lawmakers want to ban the Lebanese Shiite militia He…
Depression treatment without medical theory. When you are depressed. Exercise. Try to exercise two to three times a week. Create a hobby for yourself.
Christmas Depression: When Christmas doesn't bring happiness. Feeling lonely, sad, nostalgic or irritable are some of the symptoms of what is commonly kn…
What is the meaning of unhealthy obsession? an unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or someone. synonyms: fixation, idee fixe. preoccupation…
How to deal with ghosting. Many people seek psychological help because they cannot overcome a ghosting experience. These are traumatic wounds that require sp…
#sexual_psychologi 40 common sexual fantasies. What are the most common sexual fantasies? Having sex in public? Fantasizing about your ex? Find out the answe…
Along with creativity, responsibility is needed If a person who is creative is not responsible, then he cannot be called a creative person. Creative leadersh…
Suspicion and distrust It is important and vital to find the root of this phenomenon. Every behavior of humans has an event behind it.
#Trust_and_mistrust . Why is it so hard for some people to trust each other even if they haven't seen anything wrong with each other?
How to change direction in life? You need to examine all aspects of life and work on and correct all the negative points in your path. Work on and change whe…
#What_is_credibility? When you don't trust me and I don't have any credibility for you, how can I trust you and know that you have any credibility as…
Keeping your lover's secrets is a human assumption and human morality. A future article about preserving the dignity of someone you are in love with a wo…
today 25 november international fight against violence against women, i want to say my views violence against women is violence against humanity. women mean…
Es ist nicht schwer, ein Mensch zu sein, der alle menschlichen Prinzipien besitzt. Man kann also herausfinden, welche Dinge die Menschen angenehm beeinfluss…
How can one create a positive project or thought? So we are human and have reason, logic, and thinking, we can invent a positive thought. ((full article ques…
do not wait for things to happen. make them to happen
#self_analysis_to_make_changes_through_yourself I will do a deep #self-analysis t oday will make changes from a to c In this regard, through self-analysis, …
#Kriminelle_die_sich_als_Polizisten_ausgeben Hüten Sie sich vor kriminellen Gruppen, die sich als Polizisten aus der Schweiz ausgeben, meist aus Nordafrika m…
Drinking alcohol before bed affects your sleep negatively. It is not advisable to drink alcohol before going to sleep.
How to strengthen your willpower What to do to strengthen strong willpower?. Give yourself the courage to say no to what is unfair to you, for example you …
Sara D Tell Samuel something about you that I don't know? Tell me about something I do that always makes you laugh?
skeptical is a form of paranoia.
Love yourself, say no to drugs forever, never. #No_Drugs Drugs can permanently damage you and your life Do you know how harmful drug use is to your life and …
Using triangulation for problem solving is never a good idea Assertiveness can actually resolve most conflicts at work.
religious pedophile law in Iraq Already 10 years ago, Iraq was about to lower the age limit for marriage. SVT then met Zeinab, who was married off as a 12-ye…
according to surveys, those who take drugs and go to the drug mafia have weak sides and less strong sides People who are easily attracted to drugs have weak …
111 quotes about effort, dedication and hard work Looking for some inspirational quotes about effort to give yourself a boost? This selection will help you i…
After investigations of course come via the newspapers about sex addict bosses, who force women to have sex with the bosses you have similar incident contact…
#women_rights #i_support_woemn I previously wrote an article dealing with indirect threats against women at work, it is on my blog psychology-analyses, ther…
Can you survive typhus? Constipation is not uncommon during the first week. Diarrhea usually occurs during the second week of illness.
#technology spy cameras build in eye lenses, 10 years ago there were lenses like built-in cameras so 78 hours battery works, very cheap only cost 56 dollars.…
So normal for Turkish agents to be against me, in 2019 Turkey wrote a report where you can see my web blog that was sent to the NATO Security Council where t…
Maintaining health is very important, so I wrote about sexual diseases with the cooperation of Dr. Lisa S. yesterday,
how to deal with depression without medical help.? many people ask directly via message why I don't write about how to deal with depression and how you c…
Psychology... and the violated psyche and Iranian theft This article has been reprinted, which must be published in the near future as a psychology booklet T…
I will write a post about genital diseases and how they spread? how are people who carry such diseases are those from the middle east also africa south ameri…
compliments differ from culture to culture What is the best compliment someone has ever given you? I'm ready to beat it.
Meninges: properties and functions. The meninges are an important part of the central nervous system. They are fundamental supports for its function, as well…
10 strategies to calm your nerves before a match or competition From getting more sleep to working on confidence... In this article, we'll go over some t…
Who is a fool and what does a fool mean?? Second part of the fool's persons. An idiot, fools person has almost 80% of her brain with white matter. A fool…
one of my friends on facebook asked me have i been jealous in my life? I was jealous when I was 13 years old until I was 17 years old then I worked hard agai…
What is the difference between intellect and intelligence? The differences Generally, reason thinks in a logical way, while consciousness thinks in an emotio…
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